How much revenue are you losing from churned customers?

Arthur Freydin
1 min readNov 28, 2022


The amount of potential revenue that you lose from churned customers on a daily basis should keep you up at night.

You spend so much time and so much money acquiring new customers. Do you spend just as much time, if not more, to keep those customers active? To keep them coming back to your store to buy additional product, to review your existing products?

Are you giving them enough reasons to come back? Are you delighting them? Are you valuing them as a customer as you would like to be valued yourself?

It’s a fairly simple concept, but not so easy to execute. But honestly, retaining existing customers is as difficult as acquiring new customers, and you do that just fine.

If brands focus just as much energy on retaining existing customers as they exert to acquire new ones, then you’d be able to afford to acquire more customers. You’d be able to grow faster. Your company will be better valued to potential investors. Your company will be better valued to you. You could weather the storm through months and seasons of high customer acquisition, reduced ad efficiencies, etc.

So do yourself a favor: start measuring the number of net active customers you get on a daily basis and start focusing on retaining your existing customers. Stop churning customers on a daily basis; don’t churn as many. Try to get the churned customers number as low as possible.



Arthur Freydin

Arthur Freydin is a New York-based performance marketer and entrepreneur. specializing in e-commerce brand growth.